Conus amini (Abbass, 1977)





Shell small, biconical; spire low (not complete); whorl outline concave with posterior astragal; body whorl constitutes great part of shell, shower posterior concave shoulder with subrounded edge below which whorl becomes inflated then contracted anteriorly into long beak with convex sides; anterior part of beak crossed by five imbricating, inclined, wide, spiral cords followed anteriorly by raised basal fasciole crossed by fine spiral cords; aperture narrow with subparallel edge (1).


Asprella ornatissima (Martin) in Shuto (1969, Pl. 22, figs. 1,2,4,11,14) differs from the specimen herein described as it show a proportionately narrower shell with spiral ornament over the entire shell (1).


Helvetian, Lower Geneifa Member, Geneifa





Conus amini (Abbass, 1977)

Holotype G588

Pl. IX Fig. 2, 7

mm. 19 x 11

Vindobonian – Geneifa





RGM.7424 | Conus ornatissimus Martin, 1882












Conus ornatissimus

(Martin, 1882)

RGM. 7424

mm. 35,5

Upper Miocene - Ci Longgan, Java

Conus amini (Abbass, 1977)

Holotype G588

Pl. IX Fig. 2

mm. 19 x 11

Vindobonian – Geneifa



Bibliografia Consultata


·         (1) – Houssein Abbass (1977) “A Monograph on the new Miocene Gastropod species in the Cairo-Suez district, Egypt“, J. Univ. Kwait Sci,4